Have you ever seen electric motor?
An electric motor works with both electricity and magnetism to make
something move or do something. In one type of electric motor, the electricity
runs through coiled wires wrapped around a rod (this is an electromagnet
like you saw on the last page) and a permanent magnet surrounds it. You
have two magnets, one inside the other.
Do you remember what happens when you bring two magnets together?
Opposite poles are attracted or pulled toward each other and like
poles repel or are pushed away from each other.
Because opposite poles attract and like poles repel, the magnet
on the inside (an electromagnet) is either attracted to or repelled by
the permanent magnet depending upon which direction the electric
current is flowing in the wire of the inside magnet (electromagnet).
The permanent magnet will push the coiled wire away until the current
direction is changed and then it will pull the coiled wire toward it.
The current is changed fast enough so that the electromagnet is caused
to spin around creating a rotational motion. This causes the rod
(or something else) attached to the electromagnet to move which can then
move something else like the wheel in your favorite toy. An advantage
to the electromagnet is that you can turn off the electromagnet by breaking
the current. This way your toy is on only when you want it on.
Check out the picture of the inside of an electric motor by clicking
Click Arrow below after you have seen the above site.